
This document is an English translation of the “freee Accessibility Guidelines.” The normative version of this document is in Japanese, and the English version is informational. The English translation is incomplete, and any links with their link texts left in Japanese are untranslated. Please be aware that there may be inaccuracies in the translation or parts that are outdated.

Google Spreadsheet for Performing Checks

A Google Spreadsheet that contains information for each check item is available.

Note that the file includes both the Japanese and the English sheets.

Please create a copy of this spreadsheet on Google Drive for your use.

About the Version Number of the Accessibility Check List

For convenience, version numbers are provided for the accessibility check list. As of the time of writing this document, the version is noted in cell A10 of the first sheet.

Starting from V3.0.0, version numbers consist of three digits separated by periods (.): major version number, minor version number, and revision number. For example, if the version number is 3.0.1, the major version number is 3, the minor version number is 0, and the revision number is 1.

Each number is updated according to the following guidelines:

Major Version

In case of significant changes, such as changes in the structure of the check list.

Minor Version

In case of additions, deletions, or changes in the intent of existing check items.


In case of changes that do not affect the results of the check, such as typo corrections or changes in wording without changes in intent.

Accessibility Check List Update History

Here, we list updates related to the English translation since the introduction of V4.3.7, when we began providing translations for all sheets. For the changes to the original Japanese version, please refer to the Japanese version of this page.

V4.3.7 (February 15, 2024)

  • Added English translations for all sheets.