This document is an English translation of the “freee Accessibility Guidelines.” The normative version of this document is in Japanese, and the English version is informational. The English translation is incomplete, and any links with their link texts left in Japanese are untranslated. Please be aware that there may be inaccuracies in the translation or parts that are outdated.
Pages in General
These guidelines pertain to the entire page and are applicable to all pages.
Specify a Title
Write a title in the title
element that describes the main subject or purpose of the page.
- Target Platforms
- Intent
Ensure that visually impaired individuals who cannot view the entire page at once can determine whether they have accessed the intended page.
Many screen readers have the capability to quickly check the contents of the title bar.
Many screen readers read the contents of the title bar when switching between multiple windows.
- Corresponding Success Criteria of WCAG 2.1
Success Criterion 2.4.2 (Level A): Page Titled
- Supplementary Information
Checklist Items
Check ID: 0631
The design documentation explicitly states a title that indicates the purpose of the page/screen and is different from the titles of other pages/screens.
- Applicable Stages
- Target Platforms
- Severity
Check ID: 0651
The page/screen has a title that indicates its purpose and is different from other pages/screens.
It is displayed in the title bar/tab bar of the browser.
- Applicable Stages
- Target Platforms
- Severity
Indicate Regions That Compose a Page
Mark up regions that compose a page.
- Target Platforms
- Intent
Ensure that assistive technologies such as screen readers can appropriately present the page structure to users.
Many screen readers have the ability to move between regions indicated by ARIA landmarks.
Screen reader users can easily move to the desired part of the page.
- Corresponding Success Criteria of WCAG 2.1
Success Criterion 1.3.1 (Level A): Info and Relationships
- Supplementary Information
Checklist Items
Check ID: 0661
The design documentation explicitly states in a consistent manner across multiple pages which parts of the page should be marked up with the header
, nav
, main
, and footer
- Applicable Stages
- Target Platforms
- Severity
Check ID: 0671
, andfooter
elements are used appropriately, orthey are explicitly indicated by the
- Applicable Stages
- Target Platforms
- Severity
Check ID: 0682
All content on the page is placed in the appropriate area indicated by ARIA landmarks.
- Applicable Stages
- Target Platforms
- Severity
Check Procedure: Web
Verify that 0682-axe-01 and 0682-misc-01 are true below.
0682-axe-01: An Example of Performin the Check with axe DevTools
None of the following issues is reported by axe DevTools against visible content. (There usually is no problem if these issues are reported against hidden content.)
Banner landmark should not be contained in another landmark (bannerランドマークは他のランドマークに含まれるべきではありません)
Aside should not be contained in another landmark (asideは他の要素に含まれるべきではありません)
Main landmark should not be contained in another landmark (mainランドマークは他のランドマークに含まれるべきではありません)
Document should not have more than one banner landmark (ドキュメントに複数のbannerランドマークが存在してはなりません)
Document should not have more than one contentinfo landmark (ドキュメントに複数のcontentinfoランドマークが存在してはなりません)
Document should not have more than one main landmark (ドキュメントに複数のmainランドマークが存在してはなりません)
Document should have one main landmark (ドキュメントにはmainランドマークが1つ含まれていなければなりません)
All page content should be contained by landmarks (ページのすべてのコンテンツはlandmarkに含まれていなければなりません)
Indicate the Beginning of the Main Content
Mark up the beginning of the main content.
- Target Platforms
- Intent
Ensure that visually impaired individuals can easily find the beginning of the main text.
Many screen readers have the capability to navigate between areas indicated by ARIA landmarks and between headings.
Users of screen readers can quickly start reading the main text by moving to the beginning of the
element using the region navigation feature, or to just before the main text using the heading navigation feature.
- Corresponding Success Criteria of WCAG 2.1
Success Criterion 2.4.1 (Level A): Bypass Blocks
- Supplementary Information
Checklist Items
Check ID: 0672
element reflects the start of the main content, orthere is a heading marked up with an
element at the beginning of the main content.
- Applicable Stages
- Target Platforms
- Severity
Check ID: 0681
The start of the main text can be found by using the heading jump function of the screen reader or the jump function between areas indicated by ARIA landmarks.
- Applicable Stages
- Target Platforms
- Severity
Check Procedure: Web
Verify that 0681-axe-01 is true, and (0681-nvda-01 or 0681-nvda-02 or 0681-macosvo-01 or 0681-macosvo-02 is true) below.
0681-axe-01: An Example of Performin the Check with axe DevTools
None of the following issues are reported by axe DevTools.
0681-nvda-01: An Example of Performin the Check with NVDA
Users can move to the position immediately before the main body using the jump to next/previous heading function ( H / Shift + H key) in NVDA’s browse mode.
Reference Videos: 本文の開始位置【NVDAでアクセシビリティー チェック】
0681-nvda-02: An Example of Performin the Check with NVDA
Users can move to the beginning of the main landmark using the jump to next landmark function ( D` key) in NVDA’s browse mode, and the main body begins immediately after that position.
0681-macosvo-01: An Example of Performin the Check with macOS VoiceOver
Users can move to the position immediately before the main body using the jump to next/previous heading function of macOS VoiceOver ( VO + Command + H / VO + Command + Shift + H key).
0681-macosvo-02: An Example of Performin the Check with macOS VoiceOver
Users can move to the beginning of the main landmark by the following steps with macOS VoiceOver enabled, and the main body begins immediately after that position.
Press VO + U to display the rotor menu
Select “Landmarks”
Select “Main” and press Enter
Appropriate Markup Order
Write HTML elements in an order that ensures the correct meaning of the content is conveyed when read through from the beginning.
- Target Platforms
- Intent
Ensure that users of assistive technologies, such as screen readers, can correctly understand the content.
Content that is displayed closely together on the screen should also be written closely together in the HTML source. This makes it easier for screen reader users to find and recognize the content.
Caution is needed in cases where the layout is controlled by CSS.
- Corresponding Success Criteria of WCAG 2.1
Success Criterion 1.3.2 (Level A): Meaningful Sequence
- Supplementary Information
Checklist Items
Check ID: 0711
The content is read aloud in an order which is natural both visually and semantically, when read by the screen reader, including when the page/screen state changes.
- Applicable Stages
- Target Platforms
Web, Mobile
- Severity
Check Procedure: Web
Verify that 0711-nvda-01 or 0711-macvo-01 is true below.
0711-nvda-01: An Example of Performin the Check with NVDA
With NVDA running, the following is satisfied:
The content is read aloud in an order which is natural, and does not hinder the understanding of the meaning when reading from the top of the page using the arrow keys in browse mode.
The content is read aloud in the appropriate order in all states when there are mechanisms that change the display content without transitioning to another page.
0711-macvo-01: An Example of Performin the Check with macOS VoiceOver
With macOS VoiceOver running, the following is satisfied:
The content is read aloud in an order which is natural, and does not hinder the understanding of the meaning when reading from the top of the page using the VO key and the left/right arrow keys to operate the VoiceOver cursor.
The content is read aloud in the appropriate order in all states when there are mechanisms that change the display content without transitioning to another page.
Appropriate Sectioning and Headings
Section content appropriately and provide headings in a form that screen readers can recognize.
- Target Platforms
Web, Mobile
- Intent
Make it easier for visually impaired individuals to find the content they need on a page.
Many screen readers have the ability to navigate between headings and display a list of headings.
If appropriate headings are provided, users can skim through the page content, by following the headings.
- Corresponding Success Criteria of WCAG 2.1
Success Criterion 2.4.10 (Level AAA): Section Headings
- Supplementary Information
Checklist Items
Check ID: 0541
It is explicitly stated in the design documentation what should be expressed as headings.
- Applicable Stages
- Target Platforms
Web, Mobile
- Severity
Check ID: 0543
Appropriate heading levels are specified for headings:
Heading levels reflect the document’s hierarchical structure
Across the entire page, heading levels start from 1
Heading levels increase sequentially by one at each level, such as 2 being subordinate to 1, and 3 to 2, ensuring there are no gaps
- Applicable Stages
- Target Platforms
- Severity
Check ID: 0551
Headings are implemented appropriately according to the design documentation.
- Applicable Stages
- Target Platforms
Web, Mobile
- Severity
Implementation Example: Heading Implementation
- Web
Mark up with
.- iOS
.- Android
for the text in question (Android 9 or later)
Check ID: 0561
Headings are recognized by the screen reader as headings of the heading levels indicated in the design documents.
- Applicable Stages
- Target Platforms
Web, Mobile
- Severity
Check Procedure: Web
Verify that 0561-axe-01 is true, and (0561-nvda-01 or 0561-macvo-01 is true) below.
0561-axe-01: An Example of Performin the Check with axe DevTools
None of the following issues is reported by axe DevTools.
0561-nvda-01: An Example of Performin the Check with NVDA
All headings on the page are displayed appropriately when displaying the heading list by steps below with NVDA.
Display the elements list in browse mode (NVDA+F7)
Set the “Type” to “Headings” ():kbd:Alt+H)
Reference Videos: 見出し【NVDAでアクセシビリティー チェック】
0561-macvo-01: An Example of Performin the Check with macOS VoiceOver
All headings on the page are displayed appropriately when displaying the heading list by steps below with macOS VoiceOver.
Press VO + U to display the rotor menu
Select “Headings”
Check ID: 0721
Headings are placed appropriately at the beginning of the page, at the beginning of the main content, and at the beginning of each section.
- Applicable Stages
- Target Platforms
- Severity
Check ID: 0722
In screens containing multiple types of information, headings are placed at the divisions of information.
- Applicable Stages
- Target Platforms
- Severity
Do Not Lock Screen Orientation
Do not force the use of a specific screen orientation (portrait/landscape) unless it is essential for the nature of the content.
- Target Platforms
Web, Mobile
- Intent
Ensure that content is accessible to individuals with physical disabilities, such as those who need to use devices like tablets in a fixed orientation (portrait/landscape).
- Corresponding Success Criteria of WCAG 2.1
Success Criterion 1.3.4 (Level AA): Orientation
- Supplementary Information
Checklist Items
Check ID: 0751
The design does not assume use fixed to a specific screen orientation.
- Applicable Stages
- Target Platforms
Web, Mobile
- Severity
Check ID: 0771
On devices that can detect screen orientation, the screen will rotate appropriately when the device orientation is changed.
- Applicable Stages
- Target Platforms
Web, Mobile
- Severity
Consistent Sequence of Components
Ensure that components that are used across multiple pages, such as navigation menus, appear in the same sequence on every page, and that the sequence of links within each component is also the same.
- Target Platforms
Web, Mobile
- Intent
Ensure that users with visual or cognitive impairments can easily predict the structure of a page.
If there is consistency in the common parts, it is easier to perform operations based on prediction without having to check all the display contents every time on multiple pages.
- Corresponding Success Criteria of WCAG 2.1
Success Criterion 3.2.3 (Level AA): Consistent Navigation
- Supplementary Information
Checklist Items
Check ID: 0661
The design documentation explicitly states in a consistent manner across multiple pages which parts of the page should be marked up with the header
, nav
, main
, and footer
- Applicable Stages
- Target Platforms
- Severity
Check ID: 0781
Components commonly used across multiple pages/screens, such as global navigation, headers, footers, breadcrumb lists, and support UI, appear in the same order on all pages/screens. And,
The appearance order of links and buttons within these components is the same on all pages/screens.
- Applicable Stages
- Target Platforms
Web, Mobile
- Severity
Check ID: 0801
Components commonly used on multiple pages/screens, such as global navigation, header, footer, breadcrumb list, and support UI, have the same order of appearance on all pages/screens. and
The order of appearance of links and buttons within these components is the same on all pages/screens.
- Applicable Stages
- Target Platforms
Web, Mobile
- Severity
Check Procedure: Web
Verify that 0801-keyboard-01 is true, and (0801-nvda-01 or 0801-macvo-01 is true) below.
0801-keyboard-01: An Example of Performin the Check with Keyboard
Focus moves in a consistent order across multiple pages when moving the focus using the Tab key and Shift+Tab key.
0801-nvda-01: An Example of Performin the Check with NVDA
The reading order is consistent across multiple pages when reading the content using the up/down arrow keys in NVDA’s browse mode.
Reference Videos: 同じ出現順序【NVDAでアクセシビリティー チェック】
0801-macvo-01: An Example of Performin the Check with macOS VoiceOver
The reading order is consistent across multiple pages when reading the content using the VO key and the left/right arrow keys to operate the VoiceOver cursor with macOS VoiceOver enabled.
Multiple Ways
Provide multiple ways to reach that page. However, this does not apply if the page is displayed only as part of a process or as a result of performing certain procedures.
- Target Platforms
Web, Mobile
- Intent
Ensure ease of access to that page, regardless of differences in usage environment, and cognitive abilities.
- Corresponding Success Criteria of WCAG 2.1
Success Criterion 2.4.5 (Level AA): Multiple Ways
- Supplementary Information
Checklist Items
Check ID: 0811
There are multiple ways to reach that page. However, this does not apply to pages displayed as a result of specific actions or those shown during a process (e.g., a wizard).
It can be accessed from both the navigation menu and so-called hub pages.
In addition to transitioning from links on a specific page, it can also be accessed through the site’s search function.
It can also be accessed from links within the help page.
- Applicable Stages
- Target Platforms
- Severity
Indicate Current Location
Make it clear where the page is located within the site structure.
- Target Platforms
Web, Mobile
- Intent
Make it possible for visually impaired users who cannot view the entire page to determine whether they have accessed the page they want.
Some screen readers add the phrase “current page” to menu items that have the
- Corresponding Success Criteria of WCAG 2.1
Success Criterion 2.4.8 (Level AAA): Location
- Supplementary Information
Checklist Items
Check ID: 0841
If there is a global navigation or so-called breadcrumb list, the position of the page/screen within the site or application is indicated in the global navigation or breadcrumb list.
- Applicable Stages
- Target Platforms
Web, Mobile
- Severity
Check ID: 0851
The position of that page/screen is explicitly indicated within the global navigation or breadcrumb list.
- Applicable Stages
- Target Platforms
- Severity
Implementation Example: Indicating Position
- Web
Assign the
Check ID: 0861
The screen reader announces the location of current page within the global navigation and breadcrumb list.
- Applicable Stages
- Target Platforms
Web, Mobile
- Severity
Check Procedure: Web
Verify that 0861-nvda-01 or 0861-macvo-01 is true below.
0861-nvda-01: An Example of Performin the Check with NVDA
The part that represents the currently displayed page in the breadcrumbs or global navigation is indicated by announcement such as “current page” when reading the content using arrow keys in NVDA’s browse mode.
Reference Videos: 現在のページ【NVDAでアクセシビリティー チェック】
0861-macvo-01: An Example of Performin the Check with macOS VoiceOver
The part that represents the currently displayed page in the breadcrumbs or global navigation is indicated by announcement such as “current page” when reading the content using the VO key and the left/right arrow keys with macOS VoiceOver enabled.
Check ID: 0862
There is a visual indication of the location of current page within the global navigation and the breadcrumb list.
- Applicable Stages
- Target Platforms
Web, Mobile
- Severity